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    Laneshaw Bridge

    Pastoral and Wellbeing

    Mental Health & Wellbeing - What's it all about?

    When we think about healthy living, we tend to focus on looking after our bodies – our physical wellbeing – through food, being active and getting enough sleep. However, in order to be healthy overall, it is important that we look after our minds – our mental wellbeing – too. Our bodies and minds are actually very closely linked, so things that we do to improve our physical wellbeing can help our mental wellbeing as well. When we take steps to be Healthy: Inside and Out, it helps us to feel better in ourselves, focus on what we want to do and deal with difficult times.

    At Laneshaw Bridge Primary school, we take our duty to safeguarding pupils very seriously. This includes teaching all our children about health and well-being, informing them of ways in which they can look after themselves and keep their mind and body healthy. This includes regular assemblies, workshops and visiting speakers from organisations such as the NSPCC.

    Sarah Hill is our Senior Mental Health Lead in school and is responsible for creating a whole-school approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing as well as an open culture in which staff and students alike can discuss their mental health and wellbeing openly.

    As parents, you play a very important role in your child’s health. Here are a few simple ways you can encourage them to look after their body and mind:

    • Chat with your child about what you do to look after your body and mind, from walking the dog to turning your phone off before bed. Sharing the steps, you have taken to stay healthy can also set a good example for them to follow.
    • Praise your child and other family members for what they do to look after their body and mind – even if it is small. If your child sees healthy living in a positive light, they are more likely to carry on doing these things throughout life.
    • Remind them that there is no such thing as a perfect body or mind – and no one is perfectly healthy! Your child might be tempted to compare themselves to other children, especially on social media, but it is important to remember that everyone’s bodies and minds are different – and that is something to celebrate.
    • Do something regularly with your child to be Healthy: Inside and Out. Family life can be very busy and stressful at times. Cooking a meal, sitting down for a family dinner, or going for a walk together can be a great way to stay connected and have fun

    Please do not forget, if you are worried about your child, you can talk to your GP or you can contact us at school for advice. You can also find a list of organisations that provide support and advice for parents on the website